Are you ready to start your Surface Pattern career?

You’ve been playing around with pattern design for a while now and you’d be so stoked to FINALLY see your art all over your fave products. But you’re not totally sure your art is good enough, and you're definitely not sure what the best first steps are to getting pattern design clients.

I've got a workshop, just for you.

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    Nice to meet you

    Hi, I'm Elizabeth. I teach beginner surface pattern designers the clear steps to find clients, pitch their designs, and create a profitable, kick-ass business, with confidence and ease.

    What will you learn?

    • Determine if your art is ready for products today (or still needs developing)
    • Two things that pave the way for your client search, making it as painless as possible
    • A low stakes way you can hone your pitching chops
    • The way I scored my most reliable client from my home office
    • How big companies find freelance help